Sunday, 20 April 2014

Hectic Life

Finally an update. Why so long? Because life has been hectic and too 'exciting'.

If you are wondering how is the meet-up with his god-mummy as mentioned in my previous post, it was super tiring and omg. 

Mental note to self : When bringing Mr. Abner out with someone else other than his caregiver (my mum), never go to restaurants. He was climbing here and there, trying to reach out for everything on the table, etc etc. He managed to sit in the baby high chair for a few minutes though and ate a few bites of pear which I prepared earlier on for him, but that's it. In the end his god-mummy gotta risk having him wailing like mad (normally he will cry out loud when someone who he doesn't really know well carry him) and bring his for a walk so I can eat my meal. Surprisingly he didn't cry. Only started crying for mummy when he saw me from a distance. Maybe he knows that mummy needs to eat and god-mummy loves him too. He seldom get to meet her, so I was quite surprised when he was ok and didn't reject her.

So, my short holiday ended in the blink of an eye and I started my new job.

I enjoyed staying at home and be with Mr. Abner 24/7, but I can't do that forever. Honestly, I am kind of glad that I am still working (besides the fact that I need to provide for myself and my son because we have nobody to depend on). It serves as a break from the active kiddo, and at 25, I am not ready to be a full-time SAHM. Yes, cooking for my beloved son, taking care of him, watch him smile, watch him grow and watch him hitting his milestones are things that I enjoy. But at 25, I am still not ready to give up my life, my dreams and the things that I wanna achieve. Not that I am selfish and only think for myself. Just that after having Mr. Abner, my life, my dreams and the things I wanna achieve are all related to him. 
I am working hard for him, and I love that feeling.

That was what I have been busy with.

Brought Mr. Abner out to a friend's baby full month celebration just now. 
Attending celebrations (bb full months, kids' birthdays, weddings, etc) like this always give me a mixed feeling. Am happy for the joyous occasion (duh, of cuz) but part of me feels guilty and sorry as Abner can never have such celebrations with both his daddy and mummy around like other kids. The self-reproaching feeling that I failed to give him a complete family stays deep in my heart.
Especially when i see how other daddies can love and care for their child, I wonder why Abner's dad can be so selfish to sacrifice his own son for his own benefits and comfort while telling me that he loves him. BS. 

Holding my baby in my arms just like when he was a newborn. Big boy now.

Counting down to his first birthday. Can't wait.
Hope he is able to walk by then. He walked 6 wobbly steps by himself without holding on to anything just now. My heart almost stopped when I watched him did that. Luckily he was in his play yard with the mat. I can't imagine if he do that on the hard floor.

  Abner drinking his milk while mummy does her pump.
I put in damn lot of effort to total-breastfeed my son. Seriously. Pumping on-the-dot every 3 hours, setting alarm in the middle of the night to wake up so i won't miss my pump, dragging myself up after only a mere few min of shuteye.. those were the days. Slowly, my milk supply was established. Then it got too much that it was an oversupply. Till now, pumping just twice a day and clearing my febm, storing febm once every few days.
I remember when his dad was still here after he was born. When I insisted on doing my pump in the middle of the night, what I got was "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST SLEEP? WHY MUST YOU MAKE YOURSELF SO TIRED?" I think he said something like "you wanna pump, go ahead. I can't be bothered anymore" too, if i didn't remember wrongly. I felt so frustrated hearing that. He knew nothing about breastfeeding, nor does he knew anything about newborn babies, and he didn't even bother to read up or do any research prior to Abner's birth. 
Now i know how to answer that question. 
"Because I want the best for my son, and I am willing to work hard for it, and get it for him no matter what." 

Love the way he feed himself. Messy messy, but so cute!

Counting down!

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Mummy Vickii is a SAHM, for 6 days.

Ended my work with the auction firm and I am (finally) currently in between jobs. Welcoming this short break with open arms and a big wide smile. Finally, I can stay at home and be with Mr. Abner!

Brought him to the playground on my first jobless holiday morning.

Mummy Vickii "Abner Abner, look at mummy!"

Abner loves to touch small holes or circles. 
He enjoys sticking his finger into the holes or poke those circles.

He's also drooling a lot!
Like a loose tap. 

Packed my room in the afternoon and it was tough with the boy sticking to me like superglue. 
Kept wanting to be with me and refusing anyone else. I got no choice but to let him be in the room while I wipe and clean. Luckily it wasn't that dusty. He was so excited because the room looked different with the mattresses and his playmat out. Crawled here and there, touched this and that, clapped and clapped, babbled babbled and laughed. Haha. Cute max. 

Ended my first day of holiday by bringing Mr. Abner, my mum and my cousin out to MOF at Tampines One for dinner. Surprisingly Abner is willing to sit in baby highchair! All along he refused to sit in one. Always wanted to be carried or he will cry and try to climb out of it.

I think he's attracted to the ice cream. xP

Mr. Abner clapping happily with a plastic bag in his hands.

Ordered Tamago maki for him. He's ok with egg and is not allergic to it. 
He only ate a few mouths since he's not a big fan of rice and it's his first try with sushi, but I'm still happy for his willingness to try. Gave him toddler fork and spoon and he tried to poke and scoop the maki, but still, he ended up eating with his little hands. Nice try anyway. 

Things got a little messy when ice cream came. He got excited that he reached for the dessert spoon (in fact, he's the first to grab hold of it) and tried to scoop the ice cream. He can't eat ice cream so I gotta stop him. That was when he started whining and my mum got to carry him out while waiting for me and my cousin to finish the ice cream (it was nice, btw).

Total bill was around $70. Not bad - food-wise and environment-wise. Maybe because it was a week
day evening so it wasn't crowded at all.    

That pretty much concluded the Day 1 of my SAHM experience.

Day 2 - Today

Brought kiddo and my mum to McDonald's for breakfast (my favourite)!
My mum had the wholegrain Chicken McMuffin, I got myself a sausage McMuffin and kiddo got happy meal.

And yes, he sat in baby highchair again (yayness) and tried to feed himself using a fork (again, but still unsuccessful). The hotcake always manage to escape/drop/fly away before it reaches his mouth. So he decided to put his fork down on his lap (he didn't drop it, but really meant to put it there. I saw it and thought that it was quite interesting, don't ask me why), and used his fingers to eat.

Now he's taking his nap and I just finished my pump. Gonna bring him out to meet his god-mummy later on. I hope all go well.

Monday, 7 April 2014


Every morning when I go to work, I just grab my bag and go after I have gotten ready. Usually all the things I need - wallet, phone, Note 8, keys and ezlink are in so I don't have the habit of looking into my bag before I leave my house.

So as usual, I grabbed and went this morning, but what I found in my bag when I was on the train ain't that usual. 

Feel like laughing out loud when I found this. Mr. Abner has 'packed' this into my bag while ransacking it when I was pumping the other night. Apparently he packed a portable charger into my bag too. 

"heh heh heh, mummy's wallet is in my hands!"

All ready to kiss the tv. 

I'm pretty much stuck in the position of pumping whenever I am doing my pump. So Abner is free to do whatever he wants, as long as it is not dangerous (or I have to stop my pump and stop him). Normally a "No, Abner. Stop it." works very well. He will look at me and explore something else instead. 

My room is pretty much in a mess. Shall tidy it up asap (and baby-safe it even further) so there won't be any more 'treasure-hunting' in the future. 

Or should I look forward to what I might find next? lol.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Abner goes swimming!

Bought Abner to the pool to swim and as always, he's very very happy.
Started bringing him to the pool when he was 7 month old. His virgin experience ain't that great. He cried through and only stopped for awhile to splash the water. Didn't have the chance to dip him into the water without clinging on to me. But look at him now! Today he even tried to swim off by himself (normally I'm the one who initial to move him). He even went underwater for a few times. Am pretty amazed by the rate babies learn new stuff. Super fast!
Wanted to take a few pictures at the pool, but he got tired really soon.
Baked Cranberry White Choc Chip cookies yesterday. Shall upload the pic later.


(Should rotate the photo but aiya, I'm lazy. lol)
Measuring scoops and spoons from Daiso. $2 only and they're in cups (the unit) so I don't have to do conversion all the time. Nice! 

Cranberry and white choc chips.

Ta-da! So yummylicous that I ate a lot.. damn lot.

And so, I spent my Saturday afternoon baking (as above), and cooking (as follow) as well.

Home-cooked tomato + pear + basil pasta.
No sugar no salt.

Saturday, 5 April 2014


Finally l am able to rest.
Time check : 00:36 

Tired, but weekend is here!

Went to buy thumbdrive just now specially to store Abner's photos. I don't really like the digital era. Prefer to have the photos developed (alright, that is the traditional term, when all photos are not printed by printers but developed in dark rooms. Should use the word 'printed' now) and stored in photo albums. I have one, but still, it's good to keep the soft copy safe. Now all I need is to find time to do the back-up.

Gonna get my beauty sleep.
Gonna bring Abner for a swim later on.
Gonna bake cookies!

I ♡ weekends.

Friday, 4 April 2014

Happy Shopping.

I just bought US$43.89 worth of products from


I have a feeling that my mum will nag at me if she receives another parcel for me. Maybe I should have it sent to my office. But I'm leaving my current job next Tuesday and will rest for a week before starting my new job. No office to send to for now, so no choice. Shall keep my fingers crossed. 


What I bought:

Wanted to buy Coconut Oil after reading that it helps to make your milk thick and your lil bub can gain more weight. Since Abner is not really eating solids, this is quite a good idea. And after I have managed to drop my pump to twice a day, I need to produce good quality milk that is rich and thick. I tried to go Guardian/Watsons/GNC to find EV Organic Coconut Oil but apparently, it is not very common. Managed to find in Vivocity but it is so damn expensive. $40 plus for Nature's Way Organic Coconut Oil. Geez. iHerb is selling that for US$10, and shipping is only $4. 
US$14 and have it sent to your doorstep  vs  S$40++ and have to carry it back home.
You know which to choose.
Anyway, there are many brands to choose from. I chose Artisana because I saw a fellow mummy bought it and the reviews for this particular brand is to my liking - it tastes nice! 
I hope the reviews are accurate.
Plan to use it for baking (replacing oil, i hope it works), for popcorn (yes, i shall figure out how to make homemade popcorn), for cooking, for salad, eat with my toast, etc etc. 
Now i am feel so excited.. Can't wait to receive it. 

Just in case I can't stand Coconut Oil in it's oil form. 
Softgels shall do the job.
(and I will give that Coconut Oil to my mum / dad)

This is for my cesarean scar. I swear I have the ugliest cesarean scar ever. 
My wounds can't seem to heal nicely after I gave birth. Had quite a bad cut on my finger and the scar is ugly too. Didn't have such problem before I got pregnant, so I blame the hormones.. 
My c-sec wound became a hypertrophic scar and it does not look appealing at all. 
Did some research and somebody mentioned Vitamin E Oil so I decided to give it a try. 
FYI, i have really bad stretchmarks too, but I'm glad I found Bio Oil. Those ugly marks have lightened significantly.  

Chuck it into my cart because a fellow mummy said it is nice and I have yet to hit my maximum weight for $4 shipping fee. So why not? :D

I feel that I should buy something for Mr. Abner. Hehehehehe.
It is cheaper than in SG, and I still have space.

Could have bought more stuff but I shall practise practised some a lot of self-control. 
Hope they will be here before I start work, together with my loots from and 

Online shopping is addictive.. so addictive. 

My beauty tea - roses, jasmines and forget-me-nots.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Baby Wipes

Had some free time so i did a quick comparison between baby wipes. 

Personally I have tried Pigeon and the JEJU water ones and I prefer Pigeon as it seems to have better quality and is more moist, but it doesn't come with delivery. I have to lug it back home and honestly, I don't really enjoy that. The JEJU ones are good too but my mum's power hand keeps tearing the plastic packaging when she opens it. The whole pack of wet wipe will then dry up and it is quite a waste. 

Am keen to try BOSOMI but it is quite pricey. Imagine spending $0.60 (price of approx 2 - 3 pieces of wipes + 1 diaper) for every diaper change. Yes, $0.60 is a very insignificant amount but it can add up to quite a huge amount in the long run. Abner doesn't have golden butt (his butt ain't that sensitive or delicate as he is able to use any kind of diapers without having diaper rash) so I don't think it is worth buying such 'atas' wipes.

Anyone knows the price of Kodomo wipes? I heard that they are good and affordable too. 

Baby Wipes Comparison

1. Pigeon Baby Wipes
Size : 180 x 175 mm
Qty : 82 x 6 = 492 pieces
Price : $19.50 (NTUC Fairprice)
Price Per Piece : $0.039

2. Wet Tissue w JEJU Island Water - from Qoo10
Size : 150 x 200 mm
Qty : 80 x 10 = 800 pieces
Price : $21.30 (free shipping)
Price Per Piece : $0.027

3. LOV Bebe [Kano][In Singapore] Baby Wet Wipes - from Qoo10
Size : 150 x 200 mm
Qty : 80 x 10 = 800 pieces
Price : $18.20 (including shipping)
Price Per Piece : $0.023

Notes : Mentioned in reviews that it is not as moist as other brands.

4. BOSOMI Baby Wipes - from Qoo10
Size : 150 x 200 mm
Qty : 60 x 12 + 10 = 730 pieces
Price : $44.40 (free shipping)
Price Per Piece : $0.06

Notes :  Comes with cap!

Any suggestion?

It is so difficult to maintain a blog now

It is so difficult to maintain a blog now. 
I have totally zero time for blogging. 
But no, I shall keep this blog alive till the day that I can't type anymore.
Reading this blog will be oh-so-sweet-memories for me (and Abner, hopefully).

Motherhood is never easy, and going solo doesn't make it any better. Still, every moment is precious and I would like to have a record of it some where (here it shall be) that I can easily access (on my mobile, duh). 


Friends who are blogging, drop me a text with your link and I can link you up like those olden days.
Friends who need any help in motherhood (or fatherhood), feel free to approach me if you need a listening ear or advices or anything.
Friends with baby boy (or girl) and don't mind hands-me-down (Abner's clothes), drop me a text too.  


Hi Abner, mummy loves you. <3